No matter what capacity we work together, here's what you will receive working with me:

  • One-on-one support and intentional guidance from a registered + licensed nutrition professional

  • Ethical and science-based nutrition information

  • Realistic lifestyle changes without diets and quick-fix supplements

  • A non-judgemental space to work through your nutrition goals

  • Life-long knowledge and skills for you to master your own diet

Sound good? Let’s chat.


A 45-minute virtual consult with a Registered Dietitian

Discuss your current lifestyle and dietary habits, medical history, and nutrition needs

Establish caloric needs, macronutrient ratios, and dietary goals

Create a personalized nutrition plan for you to implement on your own

$125 for virtual 45-minute initial consult with detailed session summary


Bundle of 45-minute virtual consults with a Registered Dietitian

Discuss your current lifestyle and dietary habits, medical history, and nutrition needs

Establish caloric needs, macronutrient ratios, and dietary goals

Create a personalized nutrition plan with accountability tools

Weekly check-in through phone, text, or e-mail

24/7 unlimited client support

BONUS: Kayley’s Meal Planning Guide Book & Recipes

$350 for 3 consult package, $650 for 6 consult package, $1250 for 12 consult package

Payment plans available upon request


Portable Metabolic Test - $50

Kayley’s Meal Planning Guide Book + Recipes - $50

Spectracell Micronutrient + Lab Testing - price varies

Speaking Engagements - price varies