Sample Dietitian Meal Plans + a FREE Meal Plan Template

By Kayley George, RDN, LD

Odds are you’ve heard people talking about or you have read about ‘meal plans’ and ‘meal planning’.  Meal plans are one of the tools that Dietitians use to help their clients lose weight, gain weight, and/or provide them with the most beneficial and nutritional meals for their health. 

In this post I will be reviewing what a meal plans are, why they help with healthy eating, and also providing a FREE dietitian meal plan template for your use.

What is a Meal Plan?

Quite simply, a meal plan is just that . . . a planned meal. It is the act of taking the time to plan your meals, whether it be for a day, a few days, a week, or even an entire month.

Meal planning includes choosing foods to eat that will help you reach your health goals. These goals include weight loss, weight gain or maintaining your current health or weight. 

Why Do Dietitian Meal Plans Help with Healthy Eating?

A meal plan from a dietitian can help eat healthy because it gives you a plan to follow.  The old saying “if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail” is exactly right. 

When you have a plan for your goals, and you stick to that plan, your odds of success are greatly increased. It is important to remember that meal planning and focusing on healthy eating is not boring and not just about losing weight. 

One of the biggest advantages of meal planning is that by eating more home-cooked meals, you know what you are eating, and you can make changes and substitutions for healthier options in your recipes. You can take your new recipes and your family favorite recipes and tweak them just a bit to make them healthy.

By doing this you will not miss out on the taste and have a filling and satisfying meal. This is one of the biggest benefits to meal planning. You can tailor it to fit your recipes, your tastes, your budget, your kitchen tools, and your skill level. 

Meal Planning Tools & Resources

Today there are hundreds, if not thousands, of options available to help you with your meal planning. You can find apps, YouTube videos, books, websites, etc. that will give guidance to creating a meal plan. We also provide FREE weekly meal planning guides and examples

Online Software / Apps

There are so many apps on the market these days and they all seem to have a specific niche market that they target. So, it is important to understand what they are focused on, what exactly they are tracking for you, and why.

Look for apps that allow you to make a plan that fits your specific needs. PlateJoy and Eat This Much are examples of fee-based apps that design meal plans that meet your individual needs.

You can choose your specific dietary needs, taste preferences & schedule. This can include a specific diet plan, excluding ingredients that you don’t like, choosing make ahead meals, and setting a daily calorie goal. 

These apps also generate grocery lists, with a link to order groceries to be delivered, if you don’t have time to get to the store.

8Fit is a fee-based app that combines workouts and meal planning. With this app, you choose your fitness goal – lose weight, gain weight, get fitter – and you record your dietary preferences. It then provides both custom workouts and meal plans tailored to your individual needs.

This app helps you set goals, has interactive videos, and is compatible with Apple Health.

Grocery List

Make a grocery list that takes your meal plan and lists your weekly groceries based on that specific meal plan. This will take the guesswork out of shopping and you are also less likely to forget some of the ingredients you need. 

It is important to note that many of the apps have this feature built in. Having a grocery list will help you remember what you need to buy and can definitely help you to avoid those impulse buys and save money.

It can also help you to navigate the store easier because you know what you are looking for and not aimlessly wandering around wondering what you want to buy for dinner or for lunches next week.

Meal Planning Styles

There are multiple ways that you can use meal plans to help save you time and effort. Batch cooking and early prep are some options.

Batch cooking is useful when you do not have a lot of time during the week to cook or prepare your meals. However, it will take a significant chunk of time on the day you have set aside to cook. 

It basically is preparing all of your meals for the week in one day, so that all you need to do during the week is grab them out of the refrigerator or freezer and heat them up. This is very convenient, easy, and helps to keep you on track with your meal plan. 

A similar method is to prepare all of your ingredients you will need to use during the week. This can also take a bit of time on your day off, but it will save you time when you are preparing your recipes during the week.   

There are websites devoted to helping you learn how to batch cook once a week or once a month, giving tips and advice on the most efficient way to prepare ingredients. Fed and Fit is a site that uses a unique strategy of preparing a protein, a veggie and a starch in bulk and using them in three separate meals during the week

So, essentially you are only prepping for one meal, but have the benefit of enjoying three different recipes. Taste of Home is a site that uses a big batch of a basic ingredient that is served for dinner and the leftovers are used for make-ahead recipes. 

One last thing you could also consider is a meal prep subscription service to help with meal planning.


Even the best and most meticulous meal planning can result in leftovers. One of the benefits of leftovers is that they make a quick and easy lunch for the next day. 

Another fun option, is ‘Leftover Night’. All the weeks leftovers are put out on the table and everyone can graze and select from the smorgasbord of deliciousness that was your weeks hard work!

Dietitian Sample Healthy Eating Plan for Weight Loss

For weight loss, portion control is a key element – so you can continue to still eat a lot of your favorites, but generally in smaller portions. You are probably wondering, how do I create a meal plan? Can a dietitian make a meal plan for me?

And the answer is yes! Here is a sample eating plan for general weight loss from me, a registered dietitian.

You will see this meal plan contains all good healthy foods, with very little processed or refined ingredients.


One egg scrambled with chopped bell pepper and onion, served with 1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 T strawberry jam


Turkey Bacon Wrap – 4 oz sliced turkey breast, lettuce, 1 slice bacon, and 2 slices avocado on a low-carb tortilla, with fat free mayonnaise or salsa.


4 oz roast chicken breast, roasted mixed vegetables, and ½ c wild rice


Fresh berries with dark chocolate

Why Use a Meal Plan Template?

Meal plan templates are really helpful when planning your weekly meals. Start by making a list of what you would like to have to eat for the upcoming week. 

Consider time restraints, whether you are eating on the run or at your desk or if you are able to sit down and relax while you eat. For grab & go meals, you will need to think about things that are simple, quick, and won’t spill – like a smoothie or a wrap.

For those meals where you have more time, it might be a good time to try out a new recipe and enjoy the cooking process.  Once you’ve narrowed this down, consider what you have in your pantry and freezer for ingredients you have on hand. 

Ideally, you want to use the ingredients you have, and if necessary, make adjustments in your menu. Then, place all the meals into the template.  Print it out and put it on the refrigerator or someplace visible in your kitchen – this will help keep you on track with your meals and save you time. 

Meal planning also saves a lot of time and money. On the average, Americans eat commercially prepared food – either restaurants or pre-packaged – about four times a week. 

Cutting out these meals and replacing them with home-cooked meals, can generate a savings of nearly $1,000 per year. The time spent in the car driving to a restaurant, waiting, and then driving home is often longer than the time it takes to prepare a well-planned meal. 

And don’t forget all that time spent staring in your pantry deciding what you want for dinner and then running to the store to get that one ingredient you don’t have – meal planning helps you avoid this.

FREE Registered Dietitian Meal Plan Template

Now that you know how helpful a meal plan template can be, why don’t you grab our FREE dietitian meal plan sample HERE. Our sample meal plans will give you meals, recipes, and groceries for an entire week. We have a one-week clean eating meal plan and a vegetarian meal plan that you can download (plus lots of other freebies!). Check it out here!

What Does A Dietitian Meal Plan Cost?

Meal plan costs can vary. If you are looking for a full meal plan – 3 meals per day, plus snacks – then the average cost might be around $75 - $100. 

If you prefer a partial meal plan – just dinners – then the cost would likely be less at around $50. There are also dietitians that offer packages for meal plans for an entire month – this can average about $300 - $380 per month for an individualized plan.

These costs may seem a bit high compared to all of the free information online and the minimal annual fees of the apps (average about $100 per year), but they are individualized plans and are carefully and thoughtfully built specifically for you by a registered dietitian. 

The cost of prioritizing your health now, may save you in doctors visits later. If you are looking for help from a dietitian with meal planning and creating a more individualized dietitian meal plan template contact me today for a consultation.

Published on Apr 5, 2021 at 1:47 pm